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Take a Real Estate Listing Today - Real Estate Marketing Podcast

Tips and strategies to get real estate agents out of the office RIGHT NOW and taking NEW listings, today!

Share your story on how you took action with a show's strategy and if we discuss your story on an upcoming episode you win a $100 ProspectsPLUS! gift card!

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Sep 26, 2019

Jim talks to Todd Robertson, author of the popular book, Become a Listing Legend" about some of the key points in the book. This originally aired as a Live Event with agents calling in with questions.

This episode is part one of a two-part series. The second part will air in one week.

Take a Listing Today Podcast offers...

Sep 18, 2019 
Todd and Jim discuss how to build a successful real estate business, grow fast, and scale out. #upyourgame #realestateagent #realestatemarketing #geographicfarming #scalingout #getmorelistings

Take a Listing Today Podcast offers tips and strategies to get real estate agents out of the...

Sep 11, 2019 
Todd and Jim discuss how to overcome stage fright and become a door knocking genius. #doorknock, #realestateagent, #realestatemarketing, #geographicfarming, #coldcalling

Take a Listing Today Podcast offers tips and strategies to get real estate agents out of the office RIGHT NOW and taking...

Sep 4, 2019 
Todd and Jim discuss ways to quickly find listings if you are a new agent. #newagent, #realestateagent, #realestatemarketing, #geographicfarming, #listings
Take a Listing Today Podcast offers tips and strategies to get real estate agents out of the office RIGHT NOW and taking NEW...