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Take a Real Estate Listing Today - Real Estate Marketing Podcast

Tips and strategies to get real estate agents out of the office RIGHT NOW and taking NEW listings, today!

Share your story on how you took action with a show's strategy and if we discuss your story on an upcoming episode you win a $100 ProspectsPLUS! gift card!

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Aug 17, 2020

On today's show, Todd & Jim discuss how to create a movers and shakers list and use it to increase referrals. ProspectsPLUS! Take a Listing Today Podcast Resources: ❗ Channel Subscribe! ❗ Real Estate Marketing Leader ProspectsPLUS! - ❗ Email:

Aug 10, 2020

On today's show, Todd & Jim interview Stacey Brown Randall on the topic, "How to get more referrals and sell less".

To reach out to Stacey for more information go to:

❗ Free Tools Free 12-Month Real Estate Marketing Planner - Todd's book, "Become a Listing Legend"...

Aug 3, 2020

On today's show, Todd & Jim discuss how to revolutionize your productivity post-pandemic.

Free 12-Month Real Estate Marketing Planner - Todd's book, "Become a Listing Legend" - Free One-Page Business Plan -

Become a listing legend in a specific...

Aug 3, 2020

On today's show, Todd & Jim discuss how to take over a market by standing out from the rest. 

Free 12-Month Real Estate Marketing Planner -

Todd's book, "Become a Listing Legend" -

Free One-Page Business Plan -

❗ Videos on Real Estate Marketing & How...